E s c o l a F A P E S P

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the FAPESP Interdisciplinary School?

The FAPESP Interdisciplinary School 2024 is an in-person event aimed at postdoctoral fellows working in Brazil in the areas of Exact and Natural Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The event seeks to promote interaction between national and international researchers, share advanced scientific knowledge and stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations.

The event aims to allow postdoctoral fellows to:

Learn about research developed by scientific leaders from Brazil and abroad in various areas of knowledge;
Understand academic trajectories to better understand how lines of research were established and what the challenges are in their areas;
Present their work in short oral and poster format for discussions with experts;
Establish lasting professional ties with national and foreign researchers.

Postdoctoral fellows funded by funding agencies operating in Brazil in the areas of Exact and Natural Sciences, Engineering and Medicine are eligible to participate.

The event will be held from December 8 to 12, 2024, at the Hotel Dona Carolina in Itatiba, São Paulo.

Registrations can be made by filling out an electronic form available on the platform (https://escolafapesp2024exatas.webeventos.tec.br/inscricao/), until October 30, 2024.

FAPESP will cover the costs of transportation, accommodation in a double room and meals for the selected postdoctoral researchers. However, participants must bear the costs of health insurance and other extra personal expenses during the event.

The 60 participants of the School will be selected randomly, through a draw using an electronic application, respecting the criteria of impartiality, gender and racial balance, as well as place of residence and affiliation with FAPESP or other funding agencies. A balanced distribution of scholarship holders from FAPESP and other agencies, as well as residents of the state of São Paulo and other regions of the country will be sought in order to make the principle of diversity viable.

The invited speakers were selected by a specific committee created for this purpose. They will present lectures on their significant research results and interact informally with participants during the discussion spaces provided in the program.

The official language of the School will be English, with no simultaneous translation.

FAPESP does not finance international travel in this modality. If you are back in Brazil during the school period and have a current scholarship, you can apply.

Vacancies will be filled based on selection followed by confirmation of interest. Therefore, the list is dynamic. If you have not received a message, it is because you have not been selected yet.

You should use the normal A0 poster standard. The style is free, look for the best way to communicate your results.

The oral presentation of the poster must be in English.

The abstract should be in English, which is the official language of the event. We suggest that it be one page in A4 format, containing the title, authors and institutions, and at the end, acknowledgements. The format is free and may include illustrations and figures to effectively communicate your work to participants with diverse backgrounds.

Domestic airline tickets must be purchased by participants and FAPESP will reimburse them via bank transfer after the School, upon presentation of proof of purchase of the airline ticket (E-ticket or electronic ticket receipt containing the fare basis for the route subject to the reimbursement) as well as the round-trip boarding passes. Upon arrival at the hotel, it will be necessary to present the printed E-ticket or electronic ticket receipt containing the fare basis for the route subject to the reimbursement, and the boarding passes (check-in for the return flight may be done in advance at the event location). The ticket must be issued in Economy Class and, whenever possible, at a Promotional Rate.

Bus tickets will be reimbursed via bank transfer after the School, upon presentation of the round-trip ticket.

For land transport, it will be necessary to prove the distance traveled on the way to the accommodation in accordance with FAPESP rules.

Yes, you can travel to the Tietê bus terminal and from there, use the shuttle provided by Escola FAPESP to the hotel (and vice versa). You can use the shuttle (round trip), even if you are not arriving or departing by air. A meeting point will be set.
We will send you a form shortly, where you must inform that you are interested in using the shuttle, as well as your preferred time for this transfer.
The confirmation of the times will depend on the other participants, considering that we need to be at the hotel before 7:00 p.m. on the outbound journey. We are currently collecting flight data and preferred transfer times. For those interested in using this service, more information about the transfer times and availability will be sent later.

Costs related to travel from your home to the airport/bus terminals and vice versa will not be covered/reimbursed.

Yes, FAPESP will cover all accommodation and food costs. Please note that any additional expenses, such as alcoholic beverages and payment for services offered by the hotel, are the sole responsibility of the postdoctoral fellow.

The reservation and organization of rooms is the responsibility of FAPESP. In the email with initial instructions, we explain that the participant is only responsible for signing the daily receipt for accommodation and meals.
The rooms will be arranged randomly, following the rules for male and female rooms.

You must arrive after 4:00 pm, the time agreed with the hotel for check-in.

No, we are following current health protocols and this is not required.

Yes. The electronic certificate will be sent by email after the School is completed.

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